Funny words and phrases

I once heard Nigella Lawson refer to a Microwave as a

Mee - Crow - Wah - Vay. It made me chuckle so much so, I often call it that myself. Makes me smile.

James May also calls the kettle the 'Electricity Pot' he stated that the Japanese literal translation for kettle is the electricity pot Joy.

Does anyone have anymore? 

Oh another I like is Rough - er - rolls, instead of Profiteroles Joy

List below please Joy

  • Miss Pronunciation here.

    Years ago I was in a restaurant and one of the waiters was absent.

    I asked another waiter whether he was well and I was told that he had a very bad skin disease.

    I asked if it was Pissiarosis.

    Neither the waiter nor my friend understood.

    After saying the word several times to looks of confusion I spelt is out: psoriasis...

  • Miss Pronunciation here.

    Years ago I was in a restaurant and one of the waiters was absent.

    I asked another waiter whether he was well and I was told that he had a very bad skin disease.

    I asked if it was Pissiarosis.

    Neither the waiter nor my friend understood.

    After saying the word several times to looks of confusion I spelt is out: psoriasis...
