Funny words and phrases

I once heard Nigella Lawson refer to a Microwave as a

Mee - Crow - Wah - Vay. It made me chuckle so much so, I often call it that myself. Makes me smile.

James May also calls the kettle the 'Electricity Pot' he stated that the Japanese literal translation for kettle is the electricity pot Joy.

Does anyone have anymore? 

Oh another I like is Rough - er - rolls, instead of Profiteroles Joy

List below please Joy

  • When I was a child I used to read dictionaries (as you do) and learnt a lot of words but sadly didn't learn correct pronunciation.

    So there is a rumour nowadays that I mispronounce a lot of words - the clue is in the blank face people give me when I talk - if it's an autistic personage I am talking to you can guarantee that I lost them as soon as I mispronounced the word and that by the end of the sentence they are still trying to make sense of that one word and have lost the meaning of the sentence and, because of my advanced age, I am incapable of saying it again as I have already forgotten what I said.

    Another one of my many communciation problems.

  • When I was a child I used to read dictionaries (as you do) and learnt a lot of words but sadly didn't learn correct pronunciation.

    So there is a rumour nowadays that I mispronounce a lot of words - the clue is in the blank face people give me when I talk - if it's an autistic personage I am talking to you can guarantee that I lost them as soon as I mispronounced the word and that by the end of the sentence they are still trying to make sense of that one word and have lost the meaning of the sentence and, because of my advanced age, I am incapable of saying it again as I have already forgotten what I said.

    Another one of my many communciation problems.

  • Not a funny word but..!

    As a non English person I actually do not have one specific pronunciation but will copy whoever it is I am speaking with. Sometimes they will think I'm mocking them If there are people from multiple backgrounds in the conversation, I just keep changing my pronunciation according to who I am answering to, which can be very funny, very chaotic, very confusing. If someone doesn't speak English well I copy their mistakes too. I do it in every language I speak, without realizing it.

  • one for me was the word, that I used to pronounce as "inchote", is inchoate /ĭn-kō′ĭt, -āt/ .

  • I kept saying down by the Qway (quay) instead of down by the key (quay) lol

  • Glad I'm not the only one