Pessimism and Autism?


I was diagnosed with mild autism in late 2022, the tail end of COVID. I have had trouble in social situations, most prominent in the verbal ones that the written since childhood and therefore had suspicions but I needed to be pushed to see a doctor about generalized anxiety to get the ball rolling. 

I have been unable to secure a job and therefore an independent living situation and the family is moving from California to just over the Oregon border, an endeavor that began around April and our final leave is next Wednesday.

This is the first significant move/change I have ever experienced and It's been a fast process as my family is quite excited and anxious to leave to the point of rather abruptly changing the time of the move from next year to now. I have been told that Oregon promises to be a much more thrivable envirnment for an autistic individual which I appreciate but I have found it difficult not to focus on what I am loosing such as the one group of friends I have managed to maintain longterm relationships with starting in the 6th grade and the uncomfortable notion of moving from the city to more or less in the woods and it coes not help that the house we are leaving has been in my family since my grandparents, my mom grew up here and I spend a great deal of my childhood here though I acknowledge that it's become too small for tthe growth of our family in the past decade or so. My mom, however shares none of these feelings, she had self proclaimed ot not be a sentimental person. 

Pessimissm has been another characterisric I have shown since childhood and I have never understood the reason. I am suddenly wondering if pessimissm is a characteristic in autism. 

I am fortunate to have the most patient family in the world but I feel guilty that I can not share in their excitment and want to know, is this something that is a part of my diabilty and can it be helped? 

  • The system is designed to make us pessimistic. It sucks out one's enthusiasm.

    Enthusiastic comes from the Greek for 'To be with God'. Marx wanted a Godless Utopia. So, his minions had to target traditional sources of help; outside of the State. Especially the Churches.

    If one was fed a Staple Diet of Dystopia, they'll hardly feel warm and fuzzy hearing 'Little old Wine Drinker Me'. We need to rethink Mental Health.

  • The system is designed to make us pessimistic. It sucks out one's enthusiasm.

    Enthusiastic comes from the Greek for 'To be with God'. Marx wanted a Godless Utopia. So, his minions had to target traditional sources of help; outside of the State. Especially the Churches.

    If one was fed a Staple Diet of Dystopia, they'll hardly feel warm and fuzzy hearing 'Little old Wine Drinker Me'. We need to rethink Mental Health.

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