choosing to remaining childless

To have or to have no children: discuss.

I am childless by choice.

Having grown up being told there was something wrong with me

and struggling just to look after myself were the main reasons.


  • I have the same reasons as you have for remaining childless Uhane, except I just thought it was just me, and I never would have guessed that other people felt the same way as I do. What an eye opener. 

  • For me as well. This new 'Natalist' movement is sparking an interest in me to find out. My child bearing years were spent among other artists and creatives who rarely had children. Most of us have remained so.

  • For me as well. This new 'Natalist' movement is sparking an interest in me to find out. My child bearing years were spent among other artists and creatives who rarely had children. Most of us have remained so.

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