choosing to remaining childless

To have or to have no children: discuss.

I am childless by choice.

Having grown up being told there was something wrong with me

and struggling just to look after myself were the main reasons.


Parents Reply Children
  • I just move on. in hindsight, surely, I have, myself, dished out a fair share of brutish balderdash.

    All and every one can be exactly who they are: warts 'n all. Fills in the colors in the coloring book of life.

  • Though therapy has been wholly useless for me, being prior to diagnosis, the one positive takeaway I have was reframing the word selfish to not be so bad.

  • It was the times we came up in. Luckily, resistance was not fertile, I mean futile (tee hee). 

  • That’s awful and dumb of the one who called you this way. I always say: one wants children and can afford having them, is able to look after them? Great! Then have them and enjoy but telling others what they should do, how they should live is bad. There are quite many people who became parents because someone told them so and they conform. And then can’t cope and regret but there is no way back.