choosing to remaining childless

To have or to have no children: discuss.

I am childless by choice.

Having grown up being told there was something wrong with me

and struggling just to look after myself were the main reasons.


  • I have two, now grown up children, I had them very young, 1 planed and the other unplaned. I don't regret having them, in my case I was discouraged from having them as I was so young. I think whatever you do as a woman someone will criticise you for it, you're either to young, to old, with the wrong man, with the right man, not in a good financial place and heaven forbid if you dont 't want any.

    I respect peoples choices about children and feel for those who desperately want them and can't have them. I think there's to much pressure on women over what we do with our bodies, if we don't want children, why should we have to have them? It's not like hunderds of years ago when the choice was marriage and children or a nunnery. People rarely ever think of the lives of those who have children they don't want, what it's like for everybody, Mother, children and wider family.

    Everybody has loads of reasons why a woman shouldn't have children, but I've never heard a good argument for having them, when is the right time? Being married, reasonably financially secure and in your thirties, isn't really an answer, it's a statement

  • I have two, now grown up children, I had them very young, 1 planed and the other unplaned. I don't regret having them, in my case I was discouraged from having them as I was so young. I think whatever you do as a woman someone will criticise you for it, you're either to young, to old, with the wrong man, with the right man, not in a good financial place and heaven forbid if you dont 't want any.

    I respect peoples choices about children and feel for those who desperately want them and can't have them. I think there's to much pressure on women over what we do with our bodies, if we don't want children, why should we have to have them? It's not like hunderds of years ago when the choice was marriage and children or a nunnery. People rarely ever think of the lives of those who have children they don't want, what it's like for everybody, Mother, children and wider family.

    Everybody has loads of reasons why a woman shouldn't have children, but I've never heard a good argument for having them, when is the right time? Being married, reasonably financially secure and in your thirties, isn't really an answer, it's a statement

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