choosing to remaining childless

To have or to have no children: discuss.

I am childless by choice.

Having grown up being told there was something wrong with me

and struggling just to look after myself were the main reasons.


Parents Reply Children
  • I very much like them. Unless they are sugared up and shrill. I can be with them for an hour or so and enjoy myself with them but then I'm ready to leave them with who ever is minding them. I enjoy especially if the other adults are not helicopter-ing the exchange.

    I like them as peers, as company and some fun. I especially enjoy autistic children and love to play along side or with them.We grok each other. Again I'm good for about an hour and need to fold in the shudders after an hour or so.

  • I just don't like children in general.  I avoid them and leave them to people better suited to care for them.