Doubt my diagnosis

I was diagnosed as an adult a few years ago, but only got verbal confirmation from the doctor. For several reasons I was never given a written diagnosis (the diagnosing specialist went off sick for a while and I guess I got lost between the cracks, story of my life), but my GP manually added it to my file I think when I told him the results not long after.

Anyway I now seriously doubt my diagnosis, in terms of it feels illegitimate, gaslighty. I know I'm autistic because I have too many traits not be, struggle with so much, constant overwhelmed, can't work fulltime and work in retail despite having 2 degrees (but have zero interest in those subjects so having a high pressure job in those fields would be too much).

Everything just feels...not right, and I used to be able to hang own to my autism diagnosis to explain things to myself and keep going and finding solutions and ways of coping but now it just feels like a lie.

  • Hi NAS94457,

    Specialists trained in diagnosing Autism are regulated, registered and well documented.  I have absolutely zero doubt that the information of who performed your diagnosis is recorded somewhere, "fallen through the cracks" only exists in world of MPs phone records, or Rebecca Vardy's PA throwing her incriminating mobile overboard on a ferry. i.e. it's done on purpose to get rid of stuff, your diagnosis and report will exist somewhere.

    Just because your GP hasn't got it, doesn't mean anything, your GP might not even know his IT system very well, don't take that as the final decision.

    Can I ask who was it who recommended you for an autism diagnosis in the first place?

    Where was the appointment held, was it online or a face-to-face appointment? (is there not an email or letter which details which organisation did it)

    I know first hand how important a formal diagnosis is, I felt it the first time I was certified as Dyslexic, a childhood of shame began to heal when I had medical proof I wasn't stupid.  The same with my Autism diagnosis, medical proof that I will struggle with some aspects of life. 

    I think the on-line versions are good for setting a context, but they are no substitute for having a professional get to know you and testify these are the issues you have, and this is the support you would want.

  • Hi NAS94457,

    Specialists trained in diagnosing Autism are regulated, registered and well documented.  I have absolutely zero doubt that the information of who performed your diagnosis is recorded somewhere, "fallen through the cracks" only exists in world of MPs phone records, or Rebecca Vardy's PA throwing her incriminating mobile overboard on a ferry. i.e. it's done on purpose to get rid of stuff, your diagnosis and report will exist somewhere.

    Just because your GP hasn't got it, doesn't mean anything, your GP might not even know his IT system very well, don't take that as the final decision.

    Can I ask who was it who recommended you for an autism diagnosis in the first place?

    Where was the appointment held, was it online or a face-to-face appointment? (is there not an email or letter which details which organisation did it)

    I know first hand how important a formal diagnosis is, I felt it the first time I was certified as Dyslexic, a childhood of shame began to heal when I had medical proof I wasn't stupid.  The same with my Autism diagnosis, medical proof that I will struggle with some aspects of life. 

    I think the on-line versions are good for setting a context, but they are no substitute for having a professional get to know you and testify these are the issues you have, and this is the support you would want.

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