Doubt my diagnosis

I was diagnosed as an adult a few years ago, but only got verbal confirmation from the doctor. For several reasons I was never given a written diagnosis (the diagnosing specialist went off sick for a while and I guess I got lost between the cracks, story of my life), but my GP manually added it to my file I think when I told him the results not long after.

Anyway I now seriously doubt my diagnosis, in terms of it feels illegitimate, gaslighty. I know I'm autistic because I have too many traits not be, struggle with so much, constant overwhelmed, can't work fulltime and work in retail despite having 2 degrees (but have zero interest in those subjects so having a high pressure job in those fields would be too much).

Everything just feels...not right, and I used to be able to hang own to my autism diagnosis to explain things to myself and keep going and finding solutions and ways of coping but now it just feels like a lie.

  • Anyway I now seriously doubt my diagnosis

    Easy one to solve here.

    Do an online test - they are a bit lengthy but give a reasonably high accuracy of diagnosis if done truthfully.

    If it confirms your diagnisis then it is to be believed - if you still want to deny it in the face of the evidence then some therapy should help you either come to terms with it or work on the root cause of the denial.

    There is a decent, free online test here:

  • Excuse me breaking my decision not to post publically, (I hope it deosn't cause an exodus of members, as some suggest it might)  but there's something hinky going on here.

    I've done the NHS test and the test which both scored identically, (which I found most reassuring!) that test Iain posted however, scores me as much lower...

    Converting all tests to 100% the NHS and other test scores me 76% and the one Ian recommends only 56% that's a big difference...

  • Excuse me breaking my decision not to post publically,

    Welcome back Heart eyes cat

    There is no escape now.

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