Alone by circumstance at first but now alone by choice

In my youth I did not care about friends and being alone seemed normal to me until I started to be bullied and ostracised in school.

From my late 20s up to now I used to beat myself up over not making the effort to reach out to people and make friends and not having a close relationship outside my family.  

Now, I realise those unfulfilled desires were making me unhappy, so I said *** it and mostly embraced being alone.   There are worse things to be than single and I'm better off without those pressures. 

I like my afternoon naps, playing on my Switch and building models and not worrying about pleasing anyone but myself.

If I could I would take my romantic, sexual and social yearnings, drop them in a bin and light it on fire.

I still have my family and they have me, for better or worse.

  • Loss of all sexual feelings was a massive benefit of menopause, I felt like I had an extension in my head, now as is the way of extensions, it's full of other rubbish!

    I have a couple of family members and a couple of friends, but no one who I really converse with as opposed to passing the time of day. I miss conversations about interesting things, were ideas are bounced around.

  • Loss of all sexual feelings was a massive benefit of menopause, I felt like I had an extension in my head, now as is the way of extensions, it's full of other rubbish!

    I have a couple of family members and a couple of friends, but no one who I really converse with as opposed to passing the time of day. I miss conversations about interesting things, were ideas are bounced around.

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