Anyone interested in Ancient and Medieval History?

I'd love people to share these interests with, but everybody keeps talking about world wars and the industrial revolution, which make my eyes glaze over. I like the ancient and prehistoric anyone else, or is this yet another one of my interests that nobody else shares?

  • I love medieval history!!! Have you watched the BBC series on the Secrets of the Castle? It's all about medieval castle construction and day to day life! I adore it (I think I've watched it all at least three times over) Its up on Youtube and I think its on Prime too. If you're a total sewing nerd like me, Bernadette Banner has an amazing series on the construction of a medieval kirtle based on a tapestry and Karolina Zebrowska has a great video on a recreation of a historically accurate 16th century Germanic gown and accessories (a  little past medieval but still cool!) I'm also totally obsessed with the early modern period right in between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Its crazy how while the lives of rich people were advancing, the lives of the poor where relatively the same as they were in the medieval period. And then of course the period shows the drastic change from Feudalism to Mercantilism and its fascinating to see the roots of capitalism taking place and how it changed everything (for better and for worse). What part of ancient and medieval history fascinates you the most? Is there a particular region that interests you? Or a time frame? And event or subject? Or just everything and anything?