Anyone interested in Ancient and Medieval History?

I'd love people to share these interests with, but everybody keeps talking about world wars and the industrial revolution, which make my eyes glaze over. I like the ancient and prehistoric anyone else, or is this yet another one of my interests that nobody else shares?

  • Yeah I have an interest in Mayan & Egyptian civilisations. The legend of Atlantis fascinates me!

  • I've tried to get into South American stuff, but theres just something about it that makes my eyes glaze over, Egypt I do better with. Atlantis interests me too, but I do wonder if its not an aglomeration of stories and history about the end of the Ice Age? So much habitable land would of quite quickly become innundated, taking with it habitation sites and everything else. I do think what we loosely term civilisation is much older than is currently thought, so many of the finds in Turkey show this, as does underwater archaeology from so many places, a lot of it about the Indus Valley Culture. Theres still so much to learn and discover.

  • I've tried to get into South American stuff, but theres just something about it that makes my eyes glaze over, Egypt I do better with. Atlantis interests me too, but I do wonder if its not an aglomeration of stories and history about the end of the Ice Age? So much habitable land would of quite quickly become innundated, taking with it habitation sites and everything else. I do think what we loosely term civilisation is much older than is currently thought, so many of the finds in Turkey show this, as does underwater archaeology from so many places, a lot of it about the Indus Valley Culture. Theres still so much to learn and discover.

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