Anyone interested in Ancient and Medieval History?

I'd love people to share these interests with, but everybody keeps talking about world wars and the industrial revolution, which make my eyes glaze over. I like the ancient and prehistoric anyone else, or is this yet another one of my interests that nobody else shares?

  • I'm interested. I'm on the second novel in a trilogy called The Warlord Chronicles. They're written by Bernard Cornwell. They're about Arthur, Merlin and the knights of the round table, and all of that legend. It's all not provably true but much of it could be. There's a lot in there about the conflict between the Pagan beliefs of ancient Britons and the Christianity that came with the Romans, and that then became popular increasingly with the native Britons themselves (though not immediately and not with everyone, there was much bloodshed involved). 

    Which parts of history interest you?

  • I'm interested. I'm on the second novel in a trilogy called The Warlord Chronicles. They're written by Bernard Cornwell. They're about Arthur, Merlin and the knights of the round table, and all of that legend. It's all not provably true but much of it could be. There's a lot in there about the conflict between the Pagan beliefs of ancient Britons and the Christianity that came with the Romans, and that then became popular increasingly with the native Britons themselves (though not immediately and not with everyone, there was much bloodshed involved). 

    Which parts of history interest you?

  • I love all of Cornwell's work. He is so good at bringing history into life.

  • OOoo if we're doing book recommendations, I am almost through Shardlake series by CJ Sansom.  A very readable set of novels set in the time of Henry VIII and a hunchback lawyer called Matthew Shardlake.

    It deals both with many aspects of the reformation interwoven with murder mysteries.  As Matthew has to face a lot of prejudice because of his disability it's also interesting to people who feel marginalised because of their needs also.