Electricity company and pressure to get a smart meter

Does anybody else get stressed about their energy company keep pressuring them to get a Smart Meter? I’m getting so sick of it and this time I think they’re trying to scare me into getting one and I’m so stressed about it. Does anyone on here have an answer to this problem? I’m thinking of switching to Octopus energy, but will they just do the same and pressure me to get one as well?

Any advice would be appreciated regarding this.

  • I remember feeling pressured into having a smart meter installed. Eventually I gave in. Although I’m glad I did, as I have found to have a smart meter very useful. Mine works fine and submits the readings to my energy company without a problem, meaning I don’t have to remember checking the meters every couple of months and submitting them manually. 
    I can also see my usage in real time and know what is causing energy spikes and make small changes to help reduce my bill slightly. 

    I would say, having it installed will give you more benefits than it does now. You can choose to still submit manual readings and not have the little device plugged in, if you prefer. I believe it will get to a point where a smart meter is compulsory as the government are pushing the scheme. Also some energy companies, if you ever decide to switch, will only accept smart meters. So I would say that you should really consider getting yours done, take the pressure off you and you’ll soon seen the benefits of having one Slight smile

  • I remember feeling pressured into having a smart meter installed. Eventually I gave in. Although I’m glad I did, as I have found to have a smart meter very useful. Mine works fine and submits the readings to my energy company without a problem, meaning I don’t have to remember checking the meters every couple of months and submitting them manually. 
    I can also see my usage in real time and know what is causing energy spikes and make small changes to help reduce my bill slightly. 

    I would say, having it installed will give you more benefits than it does now. You can choose to still submit manual readings and not have the little device plugged in, if you prefer. I believe it will get to a point where a smart meter is compulsory as the government are pushing the scheme. Also some energy companies, if you ever decide to switch, will only accept smart meters. So I would say that you should really consider getting yours done, take the pressure off you and you’ll soon seen the benefits of having one Slight smile

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