Electricity company and pressure to get a smart meter

Does anybody else get stressed about their energy company keep pressuring them to get a Smart Meter? I’m getting so sick of it and this time I think they’re trying to scare me into getting one and I’m so stressed about it. Does anyone on here have an answer to this problem? I’m thinking of switching to Octopus energy, but will they just do the same and pressure me to get one as well?

Any advice would be appreciated regarding this.

  • Here is my view.The energy companies now are by and large offering similar deals.I have stuck with the same company for decades although at times they have driven me to despair.

    I too have resisted a smart meter but am getting fed up reading that silly dial every few months then giving the reading and then getting a statement you need a degree in rocket science to understand.What kilowatts or whatever then standing charges then peak rate non peak etc.I am into money but have never understood energy prices.I see the benefit of smart meter if it runs reliably as bills to the penny and a chance to study usage.Who knows though.

  • Here is my view.The energy companies now are by and large offering similar deals.I have stuck with the same company for decades although at times they have driven me to despair.

    I too have resisted a smart meter but am getting fed up reading that silly dial every few months then giving the reading and then getting a statement you need a degree in rocket science to understand.What kilowatts or whatever then standing charges then peak rate non peak etc.I am into money but have never understood energy prices.I see the benefit of smart meter if it runs reliably as bills to the penny and a chance to study usage.Who knows though.

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