Electricity company and pressure to get a smart meter

Does anybody else get stressed about their energy company keep pressuring them to get a Smart Meter? I’m getting so sick of it and this time I think they’re trying to scare me into getting one and I’m so stressed about it. Does anyone on here have an answer to this problem? I’m thinking of switching to Octopus energy, but will they just do the same and pressure me to get one as well?

Any advice would be appreciated regarding this.

  • The company shouldn’t be pressuring you, it is your right to say no. I did have the meter changed in my last home. It was just after covid, the fitter worked at the far end of the house and left the front door open for ventilation as the meter cupboard was opposite it. We had no contact with him. The old meter had a 1980’s date on it and turned out to be faulty. The fitter also changed the meter tails for free as they were very under rated and from 1961.
    Having a visual display of usage is helpful, it was surprising how many items were  being left on standby and using power. The other bonus is the reading was uploaded via the internet so no more meter readers or over estimated bills.

    We currently live with my mother, they replaced the  gas and electric meter there, a gas leak was discovered at the front of the property and repaired for free, that could have been very dangerous. The meters they removed we’re also from the 1980’s.

    I do get your concerns but I found the benefits outweighed the hassle of having them changed.

  • Thanks Roy - I really appreciate you sharing this, it’s helpful :) 

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