Electricity company and pressure to get a smart meter

Does anybody else get stressed about their energy company keep pressuring them to get a Smart Meter? I’m getting so sick of it and this time I think they’re trying to scare me into getting one and I’m so stressed about it. Does anyone on here have an answer to this problem? I’m thinking of switching to Octopus energy, but will they just do the same and pressure me to get one as well?

Any advice would be appreciated regarding this.

  • I think they’re trying to scare me into getting one and I’m so stressed about it.

    All the energy companies are pushing hard on this because they have government imposed targets for the rollout (all part of the lowering of carbon emmissions drive).

    It is of little benefit to you and I have read plenty of cases in the press where the meters are giving wrong readings, never in favour of the customer of course.

    If they ask, just say no and hang up. There is no need to justify or explain why - it is your right as a consumer.

    I had this pressure in my last 3 properties in the UK and did the same in all - told them no and to stop calling me for it or I would raise a complaint to the ombudsman.

    If they keep pushing, ask for their name as you will be making a complaint for harrassment. Tell them you have made a note of the time and date of the call and will be asking for a recording to support your claim of harrassment - this normally makes them hang up and flag you as a problem customer not to be contacted.

  • Thanks for your advice - I really appreciate it. They’ve been doing this for ages but the woman who rang today was very persistent and I felt so stressed about it. Horrible. I just want them to leave me alone.

  • Thanks for your advice - I really appreciate it. They’ve been doing this for ages but the woman who rang today was very persistent and I felt so stressed about it. Horrible. I just want them to leave me alone.

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