What happens if I can't get a job?


I am autistic and in my mid-twenties. I have never had a job before due to mental health issues caused by my autism, but at the moment I think I am ready to get a part time job.

It seems that employers don't agree lol. I am with an employment support service, which has been useful for teaching me how to "play the game", but I still can't get any jobs or interviews.

My CV has been checked by my employment support advisor, and he says it's good, so I don't think that is the reason.

Is it because I am over 25 with no experience? What happens if I can't ever get a job? Do I just have to keep looking forever, or are you allowed to give up eventually?

I mostly want a job because I don't like sitting at home doing nothing, but I don't do well with unstructured social things or joining hobby groups. I have also tried looking for volunteering positions, but this also seems to be a dead end.


  • I'm over 25 and it seems that there's a lot of schemes (training and the like) which are for under 25s. Certainly the ones I've seen.

    I've done a lot of cold emailing, hoping for the best. No luck whatsoever though, even though I've made some contacts and reached out to them, asking if there's any way they can help.

  • I'm over 25 and it seems that there's a lot of schemes (training and the like) which are for under 25s. Certainly the ones I've seen.

    I've done a lot of cold emailing, hoping for the best. No luck whatsoever though, even though I've made some contacts and reached out to them, asking if there's any way they can help.

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