my head is full of angry bees (again)

Hello Thinking my parents don't understand, that I had to sort out the house (when I eventually got it); depressing to see books, CDs and DVDs piled up. Also dust, mould and cracked plaster, things don't use or broken.

I get annoyed when more books, CDs or DVDs arrive in the post. Is that hoarding?

Keep on saying nasty things towards me e.g. I was fussing I was only explaining something. 

In the past, they kept on saying no to me (when my town had vacancies. Excuses of not having enough hours, not wanting to cut cheese/meat, carrying a sack of potatoes rest of my life); forced me to go to a job fair in 2021, told me to apply at the chemist as thought I would be good at it and post office ( told my parents need experience in there IT SYSTEM. Reply was it doesn't matter); 

In 2022 relative had this daft idea to send me a cheque so I could do a hiking holiday or a residential training course. I'd declined. They haven't cottoned on that I do voluntary work with a group. Living in fantasy land.

The other day my parents asked me do I enjoy going to my voluntary work group (had to tread carefully as though it was this small talk or something else); 

I had an idea to have a little stall outside, to sell some things and said no to me. The excuse was that people sell things online. Duh! I'm trying to prevent myself from going on benefits in a few years. Plus I'd noticed that they're forgetting things. I suggested I ought to have a support worker, parents said no I don't need one as my scatty friend has one.

In the past, they kept on finding people who didn't listen to me. Made up stories saying my former work only took me on, so they could have a bonus and I don't want to hang clothes rest of my life (was more than that); I don't talk about what happened as it's trauma and did everything I could to get through to them. Nasty people. 

In 2023 there were rare pension contributions buying years top up and the same relative sent a cheque for the top up. I felt sick doing this.

Is it worth making a GP appointment? They are difficult to get. Just need someone to get through to them. A local charity could help me. 

In my town, you have to keep things private.

I just had enough of this and wanted to escape. 

Sorry to rant

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