Losing faith in talking therapy

I have gone through talking therapy in the past and reflected on whether it was beneficial at all.  In the short term it was good to have someone listen to me and feel better about myself for a while but then I had to quit when I felt it wasn't going anywhere.  I also can't tell if they're being sincere or just pretending to be sympathetic because they're paid to.

I recently started again but now I'm not sure if I can continue.  I'm also not comfortable disclosing my most personal issues anymore or having to tell my story again and again each time.  I feel like a broken record.

I also feel I can't be myself in those sessions and I now avoid discussing my autism, past self-harm thoughts or sexual repression out of fear of being misunderstood or not taken seriously despite assurances of understanding or non-judgment.

  • I couldn't bear the uncertainty anymore.  I couldn't wait 5 days to tell them.  I left an email with my local Mind saying I can't continue with their counselling.  Partly due to the agonising week between sessions and also I'm sick of being fed platitudes and cliches about "loving myself" and fake displays of empathy.

    So call me a coward, rude, ungrateful, that I'm running away from my problems, I'm numb to the slings and arrows.

  • So call me a coward, rude, ungrateful, that I'm running away from my problems

    Sorry to hear you feel this way.

    I'm afraid your problems can run faster than you though so if you can bring yourself to do it I think your best option is to call and ask them to ignore your previous message and continue with the therapy as it is all you have to help at the moment.

    1 week between sessions is quite frequent from what I have seen made available to others. I don't think you will get more frequent or better sessions to be honest and if it is the best you can get them make the most of it.

    Do you have anywhere that you can go to help "reset" to get over the anxiety you are experiencing?

    I know a lot of this may seem pointless at the moment but it is intended to try to help in your current situation.

  • So call me a coward, rude, ungrateful, that I'm running away from my problems

    Sorry to hear you feel this way.

    I'm afraid your problems can run faster than you though so if you can bring yourself to do it I think your best option is to call and ask them to ignore your previous message and continue with the therapy as it is all you have to help at the moment.

    1 week between sessions is quite frequent from what I have seen made available to others. I don't think you will get more frequent or better sessions to be honest and if it is the best you can get them make the most of it.

    Do you have anywhere that you can go to help "reset" to get over the anxiety you are experiencing?

    I know a lot of this may seem pointless at the moment but it is intended to try to help in your current situation.

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