Losing faith in talking therapy

I have gone through talking therapy in the past and reflected on whether it was beneficial at all.  In the short term it was good to have someone listen to me and feel better about myself for a while but then I had to quit when I felt it wasn't going anywhere.  I also can't tell if they're being sincere or just pretending to be sympathetic because they're paid to.

I recently started again but now I'm not sure if I can continue.  I'm also not comfortable disclosing my most personal issues anymore or having to tell my story again and again each time.  I feel like a broken record.

I also feel I can't be myself in those sessions and I now avoid discussing my autism, past self-harm thoughts or sexual repression out of fear of being misunderstood or not taken seriously despite assurances of understanding or non-judgment.

  • I have gone through talking therapy in the past and reflected on whether it was beneficial at all.  In the short term it was good to have someone listen to me and feel better about myself for a while but then I had to quit when I felt it wasn't going anywhere. 

    It's the therapist, not you. If it's not going anywhere, they're not doing their job. It should be going where you want it to. They should ask where you want it to go as the first question. If they didn't drop them.

    Any therapist won't do. It only works if you find one you have rapport with. Given that shopping for a therapist sucks, I found success passing the problem to my general practitioner: "I need a therapist with specialisation in Autism. Please find me one." Then I just sat their and waited. After an unconfortable (I guess, for him) he asked "You mean now?". "Yes, of course. I can will wait, no problem".

    At first he gave a short-list of domain websites. I explained that finding one on the web isn't easy for me, as I have Autism. I need his help to please call them. 

  • I have gone through talking therapy in the past and reflected on whether it was beneficial at all.  In the short term it was good to have someone listen to me and feel better about myself for a while but then I had to quit when I felt it wasn't going anywhere. 

    It's the therapist, not you. If it's not going anywhere, they're not doing their job. It should be going where you want it to. They should ask where you want it to go as the first question. If they didn't drop them.

    Any therapist won't do. It only works if you find one you have rapport with. Given that shopping for a therapist sucks, I found success passing the problem to my general practitioner: "I need a therapist with specialisation in Autism. Please find me one." Then I just sat their and waited. After an unconfortable (I guess, for him) he asked "You mean now?". "Yes, of course. I can will wait, no problem".

    At first he gave a short-list of domain websites. I explained that finding one on the web isn't easy for me, as I have Autism. I need his help to please call them. 

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