Acceptance or giving up?

As most of you know I'm a total technoklutz and I can crash pretty much anything that has a microchip and often in a totally bizarre way.

I'm havig a debate with myself and with a couple of others too, about whether I'm accepting that I'm a klutz and can't do it and so letting go of putting myself under pressure about it, or am I giving up and tellig myself I can't do it, despite all the evidence to the contrary?

  • I'm similar, I break tech all the time... I got paid a lot of money for deliberately breaking stuff at work when I was a tester, that was fun. So I think you are a highly skilled tester. It is a rare skill! The off/on button is our friend.

    Keep trying and you will find the things that work. I don't like using Windows at work, so I have a Mac at home, but I have an android phone with most of the apps deleted. I just install the ones I want.

    My challenge is all the 'renewals' I have to search for more competitive quotes for just now - all the insurances, phone, broadband, energy, seems everything is up this month, but I'm trying to focus on one per week to get through it. Internet searching is my nightmare, and then making the decision about which one to pick based on little information.... I know I have to do it as the renewals are all about £100 more expensive than changing to a cheaper alternative, so I have to get myself going on that.

  • I'm similar, I break tech all the time... I got paid a lot of money for deliberately breaking stuff at work when I was a tester, that was fun. So I think you are a highly skilled tester. It is a rare skill! The off/on button is our friend.

    Keep trying and you will find the things that work. I don't like using Windows at work, so I have a Mac at home, but I have an android phone with most of the apps deleted. I just install the ones I want.

    My challenge is all the 'renewals' I have to search for more competitive quotes for just now - all the insurances, phone, broadband, energy, seems everything is up this month, but I'm trying to focus on one per week to get through it. Internet searching is my nightmare, and then making the decision about which one to pick based on little information.... I know I have to do it as the renewals are all about £100 more expensive than changing to a cheaper alternative, so I have to get myself going on that.

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