In tears at NAS

I am so upset, 

I am in a terrible situation, I live in a flat and next door are drug sellers (and users) they have had knives in the close, they have thrown a metal crutch out of the window and they are always loitering in the close. 

I have called police on lots of occasions: the neighbours are arrested and kept in jail for up to a week or so and then are let free. I have complained over five years to the housing, I cant get out my flat much due to them as they are intimidating and horrible. Sometimes there are lots of men in the close. my housing wont help. 

I attended a NAS meeting near me once, and could not get to other meetings due to the neighbours behaviours. There is a housing I could get if I proved that I attended support NAS meetings by getting a letter from NAS but it is a catch 22 NAS will not give me the letter unless I attend more meetings. 

I told the lady at nas that i had been abused once by a man years ago and that I cant go private rent as I have visual stress and need to decorate in a nice way. She was very cold and ended up ghosting me. She did not even say she was sorry to hear about everything I was going through and I feel I was tossed aside by her. I felt that they did not know how to converse with autistic people. 

[Image removed by moderation team as it identified another person] 

  • OP ?
    Sorry,not sure what You mean.
    Why would this  NAS member show " Text messages " ?
    Would You ?
    Sob story = BE AWARE.

  • the fact that there has been knives in the close carried by those people and the fact I put in the videos from my doorbell camera with antisocial diary as proof that Nas has not even looked at them to see how serious this is. I am fearing my life. I only get out of my flat sometimes, and cant go out in late afternoon and evenings due to them in the close. I am scared for my own life. No one seems to understand how serious this is. 

  • sorry to hear about your experience. 

  • It is not a scam message. Tumbleweed has a habit of winding people up. I have been warned about I do not reply to them.

  • Hi there,

    Ages ago had a neighbour who was a radio DJ. After her radio program, used to return home and play music until the early hours. One of the neighbours complained and the neighbour didn't care. On another occasion smelt smoke, a family member popped around to say please put the fire out and the neighbour just laughed. Told lies about her DJ contract being only 9 months. Once I was home alone, a neighbour popped around saying having a housewarming party. We weren't invited. I couldn't sleep due to the noise and the next day I had a barbecue (in the wrong place); my laundry nearly got covered in smoke.

    Strange that NAS couldn't help you. 

  • So are you saying the OP is a scam message? I do not understand

  • Tick box does not suit autistics at all :-( still shaken and still in tears. What is happening to society, it is going downhill so fast. 

  • This tick box society is meaning that thousands of vulnerable people are suffering. In the 80's 90's 00's they would have just been happy to help a fellow human

  • There was no understanding, no sympathy, no kindness. It is just as bad that they changed their venue from a nice one to a dreadful one as well. 

  • I have also had verbal abuse from the neighbours, I am a shy polite person and have never spoken to them, I am scared , but they found out I was complaining so they shout at my door and outside up at my window. They also put bed bugs through my door last year and i was bitten and got an allergy to them and eneded up needing medical care. I was then out 6 thousand pounds due to the damage the housings terrible bud treatment did to my furniture and goods, they ruined my things. 

  • That is a surprisingly curt response from someone dealing (hopefully usually more tactfully!) with autistic and vulnerable people every day. I suppose the only thing you can do now is go to a further meeting to show recent activity on that front, but as you've been essentially a prisoner in your own home and it probably took a lot to even cross the door and make it to the meeting first time around... well, no offence meant to the NAS workers and volunteers but... why not be a little more understanding and flexible? It's not like you're asking for the moon on a stick, just a letter of support to assist in a high-stress situation. I'm disappointed with NAS on this one, despite how much I value this place. Not good. 

  • It is not nice I cant go and sing in my wee group anymore and I just need a safe home

  • It must be very difficult not being able to sing outside the Eiffel Tower.

  • I cant even go out to do my special interest in singing.