In tears at NAS

I am so upset, 

I am in a terrible situation, I live in a flat and next door are drug sellers (and users) they have had knives in the close, they have thrown a metal crutch out of the window and they are always loitering in the close. 

I have called police on lots of occasions: the neighbours are arrested and kept in jail for up to a week or so and then are let free. I have complained over five years to the housing, I cant get out my flat much due to them as they are intimidating and horrible. Sometimes there are lots of men in the close. my housing wont help. 

I attended a NAS meeting near me once, and could not get to other meetings due to the neighbours behaviours. There is a housing I could get if I proved that I attended support NAS meetings by getting a letter from NAS but it is a catch 22 NAS will not give me the letter unless I attend more meetings. 

I told the lady at nas that i had been abused once by a man years ago and that I cant go private rent as I have visual stress and need to decorate in a nice way. She was very cold and ended up ghosting me. She did not even say she was sorry to hear about everything I was going through and I feel I was tossed aside by her. I felt that they did not know how to converse with autistic people. 

[Image removed by moderation team as it identified another person] 

  • So

    So many things to know to be able to help that I don't know.

    What I want to know

    You do not live alone, right?

    who do you live with and can you get any support from them?

    what is your relationship with this other flatmate, if you have one?

    How old are you?

    Your mother was mentioned in the texs above, what is your relation to her?

    What I know:

    Your neighbors are not going to change or go away.

    You will have to do the changing.

    Your story is more common than you think, both past and present.

    Living next door to PTSD triggers = run away now!

    Most all who have lived your story will tell you that the only way out is to to just leave, run, now!.

    Where you go is a to be determined.

    I would need more info to help you find the right direction.

    So far your answers are panic driven, and I get that, but you need to think like a warrior now.

    I will not tell you how much your situation mirrors my own as it is not what you need to hear right now, even if it is true.

  • So

    So many things to know to be able to help that I don't know.

    What I want to know

    You do not live alone, right?

    who do you live with and can you get any support from them?

    what is your relationship with this other flatmate, if you have one?

    How old are you?

    Your mother was mentioned in the texs above, what is your relation to her?

    What I know:

    Your neighbors are not going to change or go away.

    You will have to do the changing.

    Your story is more common than you think, both past and present.

    Living next door to PTSD triggers = run away now!

    Most all who have lived your story will tell you that the only way out is to to just leave, run, now!.

    Where you go is a to be determined.

    I would need more info to help you find the right direction.

    So far your answers are panic driven, and I get that, but you need to think like a warrior now.

    I will not tell you how much your situation mirrors my own as it is not what you need to hear right now, even if it is true.

  • sorry to hear you have gone through similar.

  • answers to your questions: 

    I do live alone.

    age I never tell my age

    She is my mother and lives in another part of the city, I cannot live with her as she is also in a small studio flat - no room for me. 

    I am trying to get a home elsewhere and needed help from NAS a simple letter just a few lines was all that was needed. 

    The man next door and his associates are drug sellers and it is very dangerous. I live on the top floor and need to pass them to get out of my flat. It is a small block of 9 studio flats in my city.