Newly diagnosed adult female (53yr)

Hi Wave 

so I am newly diagnosed and have not yet told my family ( mum dad and sister) … only my husband and a couple of close friends are aware

im feeling really anxious about telling my family … there is history of sweeping difficult conversations about MH and other stuff under the carpet and never mentioning it again …. 

Any advice or suggestions on how to tell them Grimacing

im not going to do it unless my husband is able to come with me for moral support which he is happy to do 

  • You know your parents and sister best. How do you think they will react? And how will you react to them, if they react differently? Do you have to tell them? I know your diagnosis is important to you, but unless it helps them understand YOU, what would be your motivation for telling them?

    I am 52, was diagnosed in February, and probably won't tell my mum or sister. I suspect mum is autistic, it would serve no purpose to tell her, and she certainly wouldn't consider doing anything about getting a diagnosis herself, so I can't see any value in telling her. My sister is a drama queen and will make anything I tell her about me, all about her. I don't have the energy to cope with her crises. So I have told my friends, my work, but nobody in my family. I just don't have the energy.

  • You know your parents and sister best. How do you think they will react? And how will you react to them, if they react differently? Do you have to tell them? I know your diagnosis is important to you, but unless it helps them understand YOU, what would be your motivation for telling them?

    I am 52, was diagnosed in February, and probably won't tell my mum or sister. I suspect mum is autistic, it would serve no purpose to tell her, and she certainly wouldn't consider doing anything about getting a diagnosis herself, so I can't see any value in telling her. My sister is a drama queen and will make anything I tell her about me, all about her. I don't have the energy to cope with her crises. So I have told my friends, my work, but nobody in my family. I just don't have the energy.

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