What is your biggest challenge with being an autistic adult?

I am an occupational therapist who works with autistic teens and young adults. I am curious- what is the biggest challenge autistic teens and young adults face as they transition to adulthood? Is it the fear of being lonely? Employment? Succeeding in college? Being accepted by others and making friends?

  • A complete inability to adopt fashions or popular culture. It just felt too uncomfortable to me to wear anything stylish or be interested in any music that wasn't very niche/geeky. To illustrate this, I recently saw a photo of me and two friends, who I am still in touch with, when we were about 17, they look like Starsky and Hutch and I look like a teenage David Mitchell.

  • Instead of hating on it, embrace your individuality...you become the trend setter. I drift in and out of keeping up with fashion, but I don't feel phased by it.I create my own styles...sometimes basic...mostly creative and coordinated statements...I must admit I do need to update my wardrobe as haven't shopped in a while...but it's all bout wearing what you feel good in...what makes you feel attractive and confident...if you truly not happy with your look ask friends to give you a guide in what fashion items are in season and would look good on you or find a department store with a stylist or look in magazines and social media. 

  • I was talking about myself as a teenager and young adult. Now, I wear fancy waistcoats and a range of silver and gold antique pocket watches and watch chains, and carry a walking stick from a large collection, including a rosewood stick with a silver collar and a handle made of a sphere of amethyst, dating to the 1920s. I have no trouble these days in being as eccentric in my dress as I can be.

  • I was talking about myself as a teenager and young adult. Now, I wear fancy waistcoats and a range of silver and gold antique pocket watches and watch chains, and carry a walking stick from a large collection, including a rosewood stick with a silver collar and a handle made of a sphere of amethyst, dating to the 1920s. I have no trouble these days in being as eccentric in my dress as I can be.

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