What is your biggest challenge with being an autistic adult?

I am an occupational therapist who works with autistic teens and young adults. I am curious- what is the biggest challenge autistic teens and young adults face as they transition to adulthood? Is it the fear of being lonely? Employment? Succeeding in college? Being accepted by others and making friends?

  • People wanting me to be someone other than who I am.

  • I was just thinking about this the other day - when autism was labelled as something else in former centuries, just like being gay was, where some of us struggled to conform to and be in obedience to the demands of “everyone else” in “normal” society, how did we cope? Many of us were forced to take part in wars that we were opposed to and there is a common thread that runs through history - maybe historical accounts contain the answers that we seek?

  • I was very bad at it and ran, fled into the arms of bohemian/budding hippy culture, poets, blues musicians, crash pads, rainbow gatherings, artists and pilgrims,  That's why Subterranean Homesick Blues is my favorite song.

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