Shared work load

Why does it seem that women do the majority of the work in relationships? It seems that we do the childcare, the housework, the emotional work of keeping everyone happy-ish, be the appointments and social secretary's, the shoppers and cooks and have full time jobs? It's not just me that thinks this, many studies show the same thing. I've met so many women who feel that they don't have a partner, but an extra child, this often lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

Its starting to make me think that all hetrosexual relationships are inherently abusive, I can't speak for same sex ones as I've never had one.

I know I'm going to get flak for this post, but I'm going for it anyway. I'd love to hear from people who have successfull relationships and what they're secrets are, not that I want another relationship, I'm just curious.

  • I don’t mind doing my share, yesterday consisted of stripping the bed, two loads of laundry washed and dried on the line. Hoovered and washed floor. Went food shopping and remade bed. Cleaned sinks and cooker hob.

    My wife works longer working hours than me, she did do all the child care when the children were young. I actually enjoy cleaning something until it’s surgically clean. Who ever invented duvet covers should be horse whipped.

  • I don’t mind doing my share, yesterday consisted of stripping the bed, two loads of laundry washed and dried on the line. Hoovered and washed floor. Went food shopping and remade bed. Cleaned sinks and cooker hob.

    My wife works longer working hours than me, she did do all the child care when the children were young. I actually enjoy cleaning something until it’s surgically clean. Who ever invented duvet covers should be horse whipped.

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