I can’t be dealing with this nonsense. I don’t what is wrong with autistic people but every time I am around them it’s like they malfunction or something. As I have said all they talk about is negative nonsensical garbage that I don’t have the time or patience for. I posted something about values as a man and everyone has a problem with the fact I said I respected women. I know what a bad man I am???? How dare I respect women and their rights?? Anyway I am fed up with this. This place is nothing but pure toxicity and it is the autistic people that make it this way. All you ever do is argue with each other and accuse each other of x y and z. This place needs to be deleted and erased from everywhere. It’s like having my mum back in my life again. She was toxic and abusive and it’s no different on here. 


To anyone with a remotely rational brain - get off this website before they suck you into their negative garbage. There is plenty of friendlier places to be where you will find rational minded open minded WOKE people. This site is definitely anti woke as 90% of the forums users are right wing 60+ year olds.

  • Hey Yellow Tree. I remember when you just newly posted that thread about the values of men, and I had to go to work so I didn't have time to write a response, but I was looking forward to reading that fun thread when I got home from work. I was just thinking about it all day.

    I had a difficult day though. Just as I started work, the bathroom drains on the ground overflowed with dirty unsanitary muck, and I had to contact management about it. We had to close off the entire area.

    I also got yelled at by a customer, because I was warning him about not doing something dangerous that could get him injured, but he was just not having it. He got so angry that another customer feared for my safety, and they ran up to notify my coworker, who rushed in to rescued me. My hands were shaking, so they allowed me to stay in the employee's area until that man left. 

    And the fire alarm broke out today too, which caused a frenzy at the mall. Overall, just a wild day today. 

    And when I got home, trying to enjoy what's left of the day, I also bit my tongue twice, I accidentally dropped things onto the ground, and accidentally opened food packages from the wrong end. 

    But despite all that, I was still looking forward to reading your thread at the end of the day, and I just wanted to let you know that. 

  • Ah that’s nice at least someone was looking forward to a fun thread. Maybe I should just sit back and ignore the trolls. But it’s so hard I mean I try doing something nice and some people just ruin it for others. All my thread was supposed to be was a bit of fun. But some just have to take the fun right out of it. I don’t know if it’s because they have a bad life and just want to spoil everyone else’s fun and happiness or what it is. But you sound like a cool guy I recommend Reddit if you want to go on forums that is where you’ll find me from now on. I feel that Reddit is a bit more lighthearted and fun where you can just make innocent posts and not get a bunch of bitter and angry people sh*tting all over it lol. Anyway I wish you the best in life I mean you’re a hell of a lot kinder than some others have been to me on here. I hope everything goes well for you. I know I kind of generalised about autistic people I didn’t mean to do that I know lots of autistic people are kind and nice. It’s just that some get so bitter and twisted with what life throws at them that they want to take it out on others. But I get the sense that your not like that.

  • Ah that’s nice at least someone was looking forward to a fun thread. Maybe I should just sit back and ignore the trolls. But it’s so hard I mean I try doing something nice and some people just ruin it for others. All my thread was supposed to be was a bit of fun. But some just have to take the fun right out of it. I don’t know if it’s because they have a bad life and just want to spoil everyone else’s fun and happiness or what it is. But you sound like a cool guy I recommend Reddit if you want to go on forums that is where you’ll find me from now on. I feel that Reddit is a bit more lighthearted and fun where you can just make innocent posts and not get a bunch of bitter and angry people sh*tting all over it lol. Anyway I wish you the best in life I mean you’re a hell of a lot kinder than some others have been to me on here. I hope everything goes well for you. I know I kind of generalised about autistic people I didn’t mean to do that I know lots of autistic people are kind and nice. It’s just that some get so bitter and twisted with what life throws at them that they want to take it out on others. But I get the sense that your not like that.

  • My negativity? Directly quoting what you said is “negativity”?

    I empathised with your original complaint, that people had twisted your thread.

    But since then you’ve posted nothing but petulant, immature and generalising insults.

    In one of them you complained to someone that people are friendly to him but not to you. Ever ask yourself why?

    As I said, you need to take a really good look at your own behaviour.

  • Haha you’re a comedian don’t worry you can’t play your mind games on me pal. Go take your negativity somewhere else. I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud of what I see. I doubt you can say the same for yourself if you have to come on here and throw abuse at people because you have nothing better to do. I am far from right wing. I’m not the one shaming somebody for respecting woman’s rights and freedoms. That is how pathetic these forums truly are.

  • "This site is definitely anti woke as 90% of the forums users are right wing 60+ year olds."

    Take a wee look at yourself.