
Does anyone here struggle to understand how they feel? 

I'm recently diagnosed, and since knowing that I'm autistic, I feel as though the symptoms of it are much clearer to me now. I know that I'm feeling either bad or good, but I can't necessarily pin point the reason why or the specific emotion attached to. Its as though I've gone through so many difficult times (not trauma or a specific bad event, just bad memories) that everything seems to trigger some emotions which are negative. It's extremely frustrating because it puts my day off massively, and no one can comfort me because I either don't tell them, or I can't even tell them what's wrong. 

  • If you Google the “Emotional Wheel” that may help you identify how you’re feeling, though it may not necessarily give you an explanation.

    I’m just coming to the end of 2 years in ‘Schema’ therapy which has provided a lot of answers to my emotional world and I’m grateful for that.

  • If you Google the “Emotional Wheel” that may help you identify how you’re feeling, though it may not necessarily give you an explanation.

    I’m just coming to the end of 2 years in ‘Schema’ therapy which has provided a lot of answers to my emotional world and I’m grateful for that.

  • That's actually really useful- I didn't realise how many different emotions there are! I'll have a look at that next time I get unexplained emotions. Ah schema therapy sounds interesting. As a psychology student I understand that schemas are categories people use to understand the world, so what does schema therapy involve?