Alien abduction

Following on from an alien invasion what would you do if you were abducted by aliens. 
would you:

ask for a fly around space and then to drop you back home safely.

let them get you pregnant men included in this one and you give birth to a cute little space baby that you can raise as your own.

fight the aliens and take over their space ship and use it to abduct your friends and family as a practical joke.

I would pick the first one as I love to travel and I would love to see interstellar travel possible but sadly probably not in my lifetime. 

  • Used to be the case where one was more likely to see a dalak going through Llangollen on a shopping trip than finding a rissole in a North Wales chip shop as they used to have a Dr Who exhibition there which put the town on the map.

  • Used to be the case where one was more likely to see a dalak going through Llangollen on a shopping trip than finding a rissole in a North Wales chip shop as they used to have a Dr Who exhibition there which put the town on the map.

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