Alien abduction

Following on from an alien invasion what would you do if you were abducted by aliens. 
would you:

ask for a fly around space and then to drop you back home safely.

let them get you pregnant men included in this one and you give birth to a cute little space baby that you can raise as your own.

fight the aliens and take over their space ship and use it to abduct your friends and family as a practical joke.

I would pick the first one as I love to travel and I would love to see interstellar travel possible but sadly probably not in my lifetime. 

  • Used to be the case where one was more likely to see a dalak going through Llangollen on a shopping trip than finding a rissole in a North Wales chip shop as they used to have a Dr Who exhibition there which put the town on the map.

  • I would love to go into space I love the film interstellar long film though. Have even seen a moving life size darlick I wet myself wasn’t expecting that lol. 

  • I have seen many UFO's and they all came from various human creations. 

    So what would I do? Ask for a ride back home to save the walk! :D

  • Being pregnant at my age with no womb would be a miracle!

    I'd hope to enjoy some converations with them.

  • Haha I chose option two in my story! Since my childhood I watch the stars wondering, who is out there and how their civilization looks like. I also asked them many times to come and kidnap me because I suffer in this world. Now it’s better but back then I really wanted to be kidnapped. I only didn’t consider a bad scenario when my life with them would be worse than here. But yeah, as Caelus said, I would probably not be conscious. I watched some videos and red some abductee’s stories, all of them had a vague memory of the events. 
    According to some writers and scientists (Mattest Agrest) or Zachariah Sitchin and Erich Von Daniken  we are the “space children” - created by aliens. There are also many stories in religions that are interpreted this way. I honestly believe this is true, but it’s just my belief. In fact it’s interesting, that modern human exists around 160.000 - 250.000 years (according to different sources) but only around 5.000 BCE the Sumerian civilization emerged, the first one that was high advanced. Before that there were some civilizations but it’s also confusing how primitive people, who supposedly did not have advanced language and writing system and no sign of using devices, could build megalithic structures that also show, the builders must have had an advanced astronomical knowledge. 

  • a likely scenerio... if they abduct you they likely will take enough samples that they could reproduce a vat grown human on their ship to study a live subservient human they created themselves

  • You could go for the second option. 

  • likely nothing, as the aliens wouldnt allow you to be conscious if they are truly smart. a conscious abductee would panic, maybe die of heart attack, they dont want that.... then theres a case you could fight and cause trouble, they dont want that. youd be unconscious for the entire abduction.

  • I would ask about how their technology works and hopefully they have an equivalent of the internet where I can spend hours/days/weeks reading about it.