Driving as an autistic person. Advice?

I've been taking driving lessons for nearly 2 years now. From an outside point of view I'm a good driver with a few clearance issues, my instructor even says I'm test ready. What people don't see is the near paralysing fear I feel every time I get in the car. I'm so safe because I'm terrified. I've gotten pretty good at hiding how I feel, unless it gets too stressful and then I cry, but my instructor only really sees that fear and frustration maybe once a month. I'm also good because my instructor takes me on the same route every time, if it isn't that route then its another I've done before, but the test examiner could take me on a different route so any skill I have will go out the window if I get taken on a different route.

I'm considering stopping my lessons. I've spent way way too much money on it for the past 2 years and the fear hasn't gone away. It's unpredictable, scary, hard to read because there's some sort of unspoken road language, there's so much stuff to manage all at once, I honestly hate it. I got pushed into doing it and feel like I'll let people down and be a burden on my parents if I can't drive myself places. I dont wanna do that but it seems more and more likely after every lesson that that will happen. I'm wondering if continuing is even worth the time, money and effort anymore.

Anyone have any opinions or advice? How do yall find driving?

  • its not skill if its a learned route though... thats the thing.... 

    i personally am a bad rider myself on my motorbike... i was decent when i passed but i had very long years decades of gap in which i never rode and i got on recently for work. i was bad and wobbly but the same route each day you get used to and you ride it perfectly.... this learning of the route cant be judged as driving skill. driving skill has to be able to be applied to any road you dont know. your test will be random place, it is a test of actual skill rather than learned route memory. your test guy will tell you where to go and you have to do the correct manuevers for each direction... it shouldnt matter if route is different though as turning right is always the same on every time you turn right, doing same manuevers is always the same and uses the same rules. they are testing you for the rules and way of driving rather than muscle memory learned route.

    its harder on motorbike... on motorbike you have to pass 2 stages of a cbt test first before your allowed to do a theory test or a main test.... and the cbt test is harder than the main test and very strict lol

  • its not skill if its a learned route though... thats the thing.... 

    i personally am a bad rider myself on my motorbike... i was decent when i passed but i had very long years decades of gap in which i never rode and i got on recently for work. i was bad and wobbly but the same route each day you get used to and you ride it perfectly.... this learning of the route cant be judged as driving skill. driving skill has to be able to be applied to any road you dont know. your test will be random place, it is a test of actual skill rather than learned route memory. your test guy will tell you where to go and you have to do the correct manuevers for each direction... it shouldnt matter if route is different though as turning right is always the same on every time you turn right, doing same manuevers is always the same and uses the same rules. they are testing you for the rules and way of driving rather than muscle memory learned route.

    its harder on motorbike... on motorbike you have to pass 2 stages of a cbt test first before your allowed to do a theory test or a main test.... and the cbt test is harder than the main test and very strict lol

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