Alien invasion

Hi here another fun discussion for everybody enjoy. Aliens have invaded the planet but there are things we can do to save the planet. They are:

bring all the world leaders such as prime ministers, presidents and the monarch to the alien.

work with the allies to build a weapon similar to the Death Star in Star Wars so they can destroy other planets of their choice.

fight against the aliens until they give up and fly away. 

I would choose option 1 bring all the world leaders to the aliens no weapons or violence needed that way.

over to you guys now. 

  • depends what the aliens want...

    possibly a colony.... as habitable planets maybe rare so when a alien species comes across one they may want to colonise it and take it for themselves due to rarity and self preservation of their species. likely theyd need to wipe us out.... they wont want diversity, theyd want to ensure their species reigns uncontested and doesnt get bred out. so theyd set us to extinction and if any of us are left theyd be controlled in their reproduction and like pets to them. novelties, and research subjects. maybed theyd allow us some settlements so they can see how we live and research how we existed here and keep us for historical curiosity in small number.

    resources would be doubtful.... as theres is far more resources in space... all energy in every form comes from the sun, so for energy they go to our star, all minerals are in higher amounts on asteroids than there is on earth and much easier to get. a single small size asteroid for example would contain more gold than the entire planet earth had in total.... so theres no need to invade earth for resources at least.

    as for research purposes with no intention to colonise, they are best researching and viewing us in secret so as to observe us in our natural state without contamination so they can see how we progress without external factors, so theyd do that invisibly without us knowing.

    so only to colonise would be the only reason to invade. thats if habitable planets are rare enough for them to bother... and also if our planet is actually habitable to them, they maybe different life forms to which our planet isnt habitable to them. which could save us and make us ignorable to any for that purpose.

  • depends what the aliens want...

    possibly a colony.... as habitable planets maybe rare so when a alien species comes across one they may want to colonise it and take it for themselves due to rarity and self preservation of their species. likely theyd need to wipe us out.... they wont want diversity, theyd want to ensure their species reigns uncontested and doesnt get bred out. so theyd set us to extinction and if any of us are left theyd be controlled in their reproduction and like pets to them. novelties, and research subjects. maybed theyd allow us some settlements so they can see how we live and research how we existed here and keep us for historical curiosity in small number.

    resources would be doubtful.... as theres is far more resources in space... all energy in every form comes from the sun, so for energy they go to our star, all minerals are in higher amounts on asteroids than there is on earth and much easier to get. a single small size asteroid for example would contain more gold than the entire planet earth had in total.... so theres no need to invade earth for resources at least.

    as for research purposes with no intention to colonise, they are best researching and viewing us in secret so as to observe us in our natural state without contamination so they can see how we progress without external factors, so theyd do that invisibly without us knowing.

    so only to colonise would be the only reason to invade. thats if habitable planets are rare enough for them to bother... and also if our planet is actually habitable to them, they maybe different life forms to which our planet isnt habitable to them. which could save us and make us ignorable to any for that purpose.

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