Alien invasion

Hi here another fun discussion for everybody enjoy. Aliens have invaded the planet but there are things we can do to save the planet. They are:

bring all the world leaders such as prime ministers, presidents and the monarch to the alien.

work with the allies to build a weapon similar to the Death Star in Star Wars so they can destroy other planets of their choice.

fight against the aliens until they give up and fly away. 

I would choose option 1 bring all the world leaders to the aliens no weapons or violence needed that way.

over to you guys now. 

  • bring all the world leaders such as prime ministers, presidents and the monarch to the alien.

    If we don't want them then I very much doubt the aliens would want them either LOL.

    If it was the option I would go with this just to get rid of a bunch of career politicians. The aliens don't even need to ask - just tie them up and deliver them via Deliveroo and the world is already a better place.

  • bring all the world leaders such as prime ministers, presidents and the monarch to the alien.

    If we don't want them then I very much doubt the aliens would want them either LOL.

    If it was the option I would go with this just to get rid of a bunch of career politicians. The aliens don't even need to ask - just tie them up and deliver them via Deliveroo and the world is already a better place.
