Adjustments at work meeting wish me luck!

You may have noticed that I stick my oar into work related discussions. Well over a year since diagnosis confirmed and 16 months after disclosure, dropping to half pay because of work related stress, having to start work in a temporary placement just to get paid, I have a meeting to discuss my reasonable adjustments with my manager. Based on the past 2 meetings I do not hold out much hope for a positive outcome.

I am beginning to get that overwhelming feeling in my gut and starting to stress. I would dearly love to take them to a tribunal and hope that they discriminate against me. I should want to go back to my job in a field I have worked in all my life, which I used to enjoy, but I don't think I can face the toxic (to me) culture so going back for me is a no. However, my strong feelings towards injustice make me want to make it difficult for them. This is mentally tearing me apart as I have a real fear of the unknown so I try to persuade myself that it wont be so bad doing my old job again especially if I get my adjustments. I'm not asking for the earth! I have access to work funding in excess of 10K but cant get my hands on anything of the equipment so far.

I don't want to feel this way and am probably still in burnout and struggling to get out of it. So forgive my rant but I had to vent it somehow.

  • Just to update on my meeting. What can I say but my manager blatantly refused to move me to a single office but offered me a return to sharing with one other person. When I asked about the provision of a safe space again this was denied. How can I be expected to regulate my environment when I have to have consideration of another person's needs and wants. I told them this was a fundamental and a red line. I was told by my union that I do not have a future in my role. So after 30 years in a niche field I will be redeployed.

    I am relieved that I wont be going back to that toxic (for me) environment but sad that my last few years of employment will be doing something else. Now the anxiety starts all over again as to what role and more importantly what conditions I will be offered. My union did tell them this needs sorting in a matter of weeks as a tribunal could well be in the offing if things are not satisfactory. 

  • Just to update on my meeting. What can I say but my manager blatantly refused to move me to a single office but offered me a return to sharing with one other person. When I asked about the provision of a safe space again this was denied. How can I be expected to regulate my environment when I have to have consideration of another person's needs and wants. I told them this was a fundamental and a red line. I was told by my union that I do not have a future in my role. So after 30 years in a niche field I will be redeployed.

    I am relieved that I wont be going back to that toxic (for me) environment but sad that my last few years of employment will be doing something else. Now the anxiety starts all over again as to what role and more importantly what conditions I will be offered. My union did tell them this needs sorting in a matter of weeks as a tribunal could well be in the offing if things are not satisfactory. 
