Horrible World

Dear All

Just diagnosed with Autism in my 50s it has explained a lot about me.

i have had the most hideous experience with neighbours doing things that aggravate my condition does any e else have similar issues?

  • Yeah, I really can't understand why people can't be more polite and have more consideration.

    Why let doors slam when you could just close them properly? Why play music loud when you can still hear it at a quiet level, or wear headphones? Why cook such awful smelling food when you live in a block of flats, in close proximity to several other households?

    The flat we live in now is not as bad as some places we've lived, thankfully. One block we were in had a nightclub behind it (didn't know that until after we moved in) which stopped me sleeping due to the bass reverberating through our building. I complained to the council and got a reply that they had sent someone out one night to check noise levels, but they couldn't hear anything! Then a year after moving out, I got an e-mail from the council asking if there was still any noise nuisance!

    I'm not well off so I can't afford a house, let alone a house miles away from people - living in a flat isn't easy for us.

    Maybe we need to have Autistic villages where we can have quiet blocks of flats that we can can feel comfortable in? Although I know some neurotypical people that aren't keen on lots of noise either, so perhaps we shouldn't exclude them and just have a "quiet village" which is run like a library!

  • if only my biggest bug bear is when I am reading quietly in a cafe and someone is having a loud mobile conversation !

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