Horrible World

Dear All

Just diagnosed with Autism in my 50s it has explained a lot about me.

i have had the most hideous experience with neighbours doing things that aggravate my condition does any e else have similar issues?

  • Neighbours have been the bane of my existence for most of my life, which is why my dream has always been to have no neighbours (I'll need a lot more money if that's ever to happen!)

    At everywhere I previously lived I suffered with noise and smells from neighbours a lot, and in my last place it was intolerable, which is what led me to move to where I am now.

    I've actually been happy here for the first time in my life. It's also the first time in a long time not being depressed - living situation makes such a huge difference to my quality of life, particularly when I spend most of my time at home.

    I live in a detached house in a small quiet town next to open moorland, and the neighbours respect my privacy. I have never had any problems with noise here so far. They will say hello to me over the fence but basically leave me alone.

  • sound bliss mate with my neighbours they deliberately overule outside lights and make excessive noise and pile up rubbish and items against our gable wall.Hopefully now I am diagnosed they will make reasonable adjustments.They have even caused me bother with the council

  • In my experience councils don't care and are useless. I complained about the noise problems with my neighbour (loud banging and shouting every night from 6pm until 2am) and the council did nothing. Living next door to those people for a year and a half was one of the worst periods of my life. The council's main goal seemed to be finding ways to avoid doing anything about it.

    I had some minor problems with rubbish as well. I regularly had my bin stolen or the neighbour putting stuff in my bin so I couldn't use it myself.

    Also some people burnt rubbish. Who does that? I didn't know it was a thing, but I couldn't stand the smell of it. There should be a law against incinerating rubbish in your back garden. That's another thing which has just never happened since moving away from the city.

    Back then I did not have an autism diagnosis, maybe if I did I could have fought for myself better.

  • Hello Desmond,

    Yes the new CPW  a money making scheme for the council to get from the mentally ill very nice!

    Hope you are well a thought for today .

    Why do businesses bank or respond very slowly to emails then complain that i am obsessional when i chase.I have started explaining I am autistic as long as I get communication  I am cool!

    As for councils say no  more! 

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