Coping with Change

So I am changing jobs and really struggling with the handover of my current role.

I feel very overwhelmed as I have been working in a different office because of training the new staff, but this office is very busy and can be quite loud, whereas my old office is calm and much more of a peaceful environment.

Today, I vocalised this to my manager and requested to be put back in my old office for the duration of my notice period, to which they said they are not sure if this would be possible but they would try to sort it but is likely to only be for my last 2 days, if any days at all.

Honestly, this got me feeling tearful as I feel so uncomfortable and unsettled in this office... and I ended up crying in front of my managers! 

Does anybody else get overwhelmed like this? Sometimes my emotions get like this and I really struggle to keep it together when so much change is happening but this leaves me feeling very childish and also quite isolated as everybody else seems to be coping just fine with all the changes that are going on...

  • Me too...

    I like the security of knowing the processes and people and although the daily workload can be very different, the core of the job is the same so I feel comfortable.

    I would get bored doing the same things all the time, but I need that safety net from the general things like where we sit, who is there, when we go in.

    When I've changed roles I've found it scary to leave that familiarity, but have found that over time I find a new one and settle in. I think sometimes we attach the worry and fear to the thing (the new job for example) rather than the cause of the anxiety (the actual fact it's different).

    Sounds like you're going to an environment that's not as good though,  which might be a problem. Perhaps tell them you'll give it time to see if you settle, maybe set a timeline you're comfortable with, it might just be the change and not the environment that you're reacting too?? then if you're still not happy they need to help you and make adjustments?

    Sorry if it's useless advice, hope it all goes ok, must be horrible to go through.

  • Me too...

    I like the security of knowing the processes and people and although the daily workload can be very different, the core of the job is the same so I feel comfortable.

    I would get bored doing the same things all the time, but I need that safety net from the general things like where we sit, who is there, when we go in.

    When I've changed roles I've found it scary to leave that familiarity, but have found that over time I find a new one and settle in. I think sometimes we attach the worry and fear to the thing (the new job for example) rather than the cause of the anxiety (the actual fact it's different).

    Sounds like you're going to an environment that's not as good though,  which might be a problem. Perhaps tell them you'll give it time to see if you settle, maybe set a timeline you're comfortable with, it might just be the change and not the environment that you're reacting too?? then if you're still not happy they need to help you and make adjustments?

    Sorry if it's useless advice, hope it all goes ok, must be horrible to go through.

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