Coping with Change

So I am changing jobs and really struggling with the handover of my current role.

I feel very overwhelmed as I have been working in a different office because of training the new staff, but this office is very busy and can be quite loud, whereas my old office is calm and much more of a peaceful environment.

Today, I vocalised this to my manager and requested to be put back in my old office for the duration of my notice period, to which they said they are not sure if this would be possible but they would try to sort it but is likely to only be for my last 2 days, if any days at all.

Honestly, this got me feeling tearful as I feel so uncomfortable and unsettled in this office... and I ended up crying in front of my managers! 

Does anybody else get overwhelmed like this? Sometimes my emotions get like this and I really struggle to keep it together when so much change is happening but this leaves me feeling very childish and also quite isolated as everybody else seems to be coping just fine with all the changes that are going on...

  • Can you book a meeting room all day and work from there?

  • Change is the worst thing, in the world, for us.

    I had to learn how to cope with change. One important thing is outreaching to someone you trust.

  • Me too...

    I like the security of knowing the processes and people and although the daily workload can be very different, the core of the job is the same so I feel comfortable.

    I would get bored doing the same things all the time, but I need that safety net from the general things like where we sit, who is there, when we go in.

    When I've changed roles I've found it scary to leave that familiarity, but have found that over time I find a new one and settle in. I think sometimes we attach the worry and fear to the thing (the new job for example) rather than the cause of the anxiety (the actual fact it's different).

    Sounds like you're going to an environment that's not as good though,  which might be a problem. Perhaps tell them you'll give it time to see if you settle, maybe set a timeline you're comfortable with, it might just be the change and not the environment that you're reacting too?? then if you're still not happy they need to help you and make adjustments?

    Sorry if it's useless advice, hope it all goes ok, must be horrible to go through.

  • I get you.

    I have been away from my main role for over a year now. A combination of stress, failure to provided reasonable adjustments and being placed in to a temporary placement doing something completely different after 30 years doing my role. The only upside is I am working from home.

    I honestly felt like quitting but need the money but the uncertainty of not knowing what I will be doing from one month to another is very difficult to cope with.

    One long struggle everyday. 

  • I have been at home since July last year quite unwell with one my conditions Anorexia and have found the changes to my life difficult to cope with. I read my Autism report again with my glasses on this time and scrolled right down and saw I pretty much was moderate for Stereotyped behaviours etc. I feel like because of the past year things have become worse since I did the test. My stimming has increased, I now rock which I don't remember doing before in my life. So for a few weeks now I have done all I can to go some places I have enjoyed in the past as days out so not hyperfocus on what is most important to me which is my faith. It is helping me so far, but it is difficult to make some journeys even with Taxicard or using other mobility services. I have since been to London Zoo, the Discord Experience for lights in South Kensighton as a delayed birthday treat and I also have been on a boat ride with Uber on Thames Clipper. I am going to the theatre on Friday with family as well to see Back to the Future. It is not my times to go as I used to attend at 2.30pm and the show starts at 7.30pm. But at least my sister is dropping me home and we are travelling there together. I have fair close earkmarked as well for hopefully my favourite two rides.  I am sorry that you Llama are going through this as well.

  • I agree with you about people understanding. I too wish others could understand why change is such a big thing to us. 

  • I struggle greatly with change as well. I like to have routines and most days to be the same, especially with things like work.

    I recently took on a new role at work which involved a lot of change to how I work and what I have to do, and I just kept continuing doing what I used to do. I had to really force myself to actually do the new stuff and it was really difficult, and I continually thought about quitting.

    I would say I'm maybe beginning to get used to it now. It probably takes me 3-4 months to get used to something, so if a job is dynamic and constantly changing I couldn't handle it.

  • Yep, ended up in tears a few weeks ago at work, because somebody was leaving and it wasn't clear whether I would be expected to take on some of their work. A combination of change, uncertainty, and worry about a possible workload increase started it. 

    I hate it, and like you it makes me feel childish. It's happened all my life, but in some ways it's less distressing now because I know it's autism and it's not my fault. It's because other people don't understand how our minds work. They probably don't intend to cause any upset, they just cannot comprehend feeling the way we do.

    Try to be kind to yourself, and remember that it's not "just you".