Nihilistic delusional beliefs and Derealization

My derealization is severe to the point I have nihilistic delusion. Is this a typical part of my mental illness?

I hold firm beliefs that nothing is real and due to history of severe developmental delay, I can't comprehend how most of humans have superior intelligence and discovered and build electronics. So how do I learn how to appreciate this complexity?

  • I can't comprehend how most of humans have superior intelligence and discovered and build electronics

    It helps to understand the building blocks of something like a computer processor or electronic devices.

    I did a degree in Applied Physics and they made us take a series of lectures that explained from first priciples how a computer processor was conceived and developed. It showed how it could then be developed to handle more info, add complexity in the likes of using other co-processors to share the load and grow.

    The same for electronics and they made us build and program things like a complex traffic light system and create our own circuit boards to control them.

    By being able to see how these are built up shows that there is really no magic in it - just a long, long sequence of revisions and improvements to get to todays technical marvels.

    Maybe looking at a video on this would help you grasp the fundamentals on which it is all built - if you actually want to understand it that is.

  • I can't comprehend how most of humans have superior intelligence and discovered and build electronics

    It helps to understand the building blocks of something like a computer processor or electronic devices.

    I did a degree in Applied Physics and they made us take a series of lectures that explained from first priciples how a computer processor was conceived and developed. It showed how it could then be developed to handle more info, add complexity in the likes of using other co-processors to share the load and grow.

    The same for electronics and they made us build and program things like a complex traffic light system and create our own circuit boards to control them.

    By being able to see how these are built up shows that there is really no magic in it - just a long, long sequence of revisions and improvements to get to todays technical marvels.

    Maybe looking at a video on this would help you grasp the fundamentals on which it is all built - if you actually want to understand it that is.
