Nihilistic delusional beliefs and Derealization

My derealization is severe to the point I have nihilistic delusion. Is this a typical part of my mental illness?

I hold firm beliefs that nothing is real and due to history of severe developmental delay, I can't comprehend how most of humans have superior intelligence and discovered and build electronics. So how do I learn how to appreciate this complexity?

  • That actually makes sense.

  • That would be interesting.

  • Although most people might think that I have unusual beliefs, almost like a core symptom of Schizotypal Personality Disorder, but more severe.Slight smile

  • I can't comprehend how most of humans have superior intelligence and discovered and build electronics

    It helps to understand the building blocks of something like a computer processor or electronic devices.

    I did a degree in Applied Physics and they made us take a series of lectures that explained from first priciples how a computer processor was conceived and developed. It showed how it could then be developed to handle more info, add complexity in the likes of using other co-processors to share the load and grow.

    The same for electronics and they made us build and program things like a complex traffic light system and create our own circuit boards to control them.

    By being able to see how these are built up shows that there is really no magic in it - just a long, long sequence of revisions and improvements to get to todays technical marvels.

    Maybe looking at a video on this would help you grasp the fundamentals on which it is all built - if you actually want to understand it that is.

  • Maybe studying bhuddism would help you, it might help you find some structure and maybe a life path? There are different strands of Bhuddism so it will be a matter of finding the right one for you, if any are.

  • So how do I learn how to appreciate this complexity?

    I don't think we need to "appreciate" it, nor even particularly "comprehend" it either......but I do think that "acceptance" of the realities of life as we encounter them, is the healthiest default position for us.

    How we chose to "rationalise" the accepted realities of life, remains firmly, our own choice.

    Just my opinion....fwiw.

  • This is one of those occasions when spam bots make me cross!  "Human Capital Management" adverts are NOT what anyone wants to see here on this tread.

    MODS....Please clear NAS 93906.

  • maybe your not delusional but theres part truth in your ideas.

    whats to say anythings real? .... whats the difference between reality and dream? this could be just another layer of dream.

    and humans intelligent? .... noooo .... have you seen the state of average humans? they cant do anything at all and have no sense.... in just 2 years of working and having a life i have mastered life and got everything and set myself up for retirement and have so much disposable money left over each payslip while in society the "intelligent" people are all flat broke all the way to their 60s and never have money... there is no intelligent human, they all fail on intelligence but yet they cant see it because they make excuses for their failure such as blaming politics instead of their own personal life choices.

    so your right to have that feeling that humans are not intelligent... because in most part humans are absolutely not at all intelligent... we stand on the advancements and backs of the very few that was... so few that in our generation there maybe absolutely no intelligent people at all, the intelligent truly only come around every maybe hundred generations then create something different that we all then utilise and think we are smart for utilising it after were shown it, but we are not smart, that one guy that made it was... we are standing on the shoulders of a single giant, we dont know how electric work without like... one single guy in a billion years showing us and us then just repeating what was shown. we are not at all smart. intelligence is a rarity, a defect that comes along every hundred generations, a mutation, a one off. but its so powerful we can stand on its shoulders and copy what it gives us.