Nihilistic delusional beliefs and Derealization

My derealization is severe to the point I have nihilistic delusion. Is this a typical part of my mental illness?

I hold firm beliefs that nothing is real and due to history of severe developmental delay, I can't comprehend how most of humans have superior intelligence and discovered and build electronics. So how do I learn how to appreciate this complexity?

  • So how do I learn how to appreciate this complexity?

    I don't think we need to "appreciate" it, nor even particularly "comprehend" it either......but I do think that "acceptance" of the realities of life as we encounter them, is the healthiest default position for us.

    How we chose to "rationalise" the accepted realities of life, remains firmly, our own choice.

    Just my opinion....fwiw.

  • So how do I learn how to appreciate this complexity?

    I don't think we need to "appreciate" it, nor even particularly "comprehend" it either......but I do think that "acceptance" of the realities of life as we encounter them, is the healthiest default position for us.

    How we chose to "rationalise" the accepted realities of life, remains firmly, our own choice.

    Just my opinion....fwiw.
