Tried telling the truth and made things worse

I tried telling one of my friends the truth for the mistakes I have made only made things worse. A few weeks back I did that stupid thing with the burner phone and I told my friend that I pretended to be her to contact my other friend. I’m not proud at all I did what I did because of the trauma of my mums death that even though it’s been 3 years at the end of the month I’m still struggling and that causes me to act out on impulse but I am looking into therapy to help with my behaviours. Anyway I told my friend last night and she is really angry and hurt and said that she no longer wants to see me anymore only in ASD support group. She hardly goes to that because she works in a school full time and only goes when it is half term. I still haven’t told my other friend but I don’t think it’s the right time yet as the two of us have been getting on really well since we had a small break from one another on Sunday he picked me up in his car we enjoyed the sun and he cooked us a nice meal in the evening. I will tell him but not for a while longer yet. Both my friends involved in the incident are on the spectrum but I don’t know what to I have hurt one of my closest friends and I am really not proud of my actions I only did what I did out of desperation and fear but as they say your actions have consequences and that is fact for me. I really want to make it up to my friend I have hurt so badly I just don’t know how.

  • Clearly Rach91 has done wrong. I myself had never even heard of a burner phone before and your friend has a right to be very upset. However, I am finding some posts on the forum a bit too harsh in tone which may hurt deeply as well. I find Iain's post somewhat harsh in tone and i'm sure they was trying to help and hopefully they have. We shouldn't post ourselves if we are upset. We all have enough on our own plates as well. I am also not sure if this is an Autistic issue as such, it seems more impulsive. But, I hope you grow from this Rach91 and things work out for you in the long run. I think you may need to possibly walk away from these friends though.

  • Clearly Rach91 has done wrong. I myself had never even heard of a burner phone before and your friend has a right to be very upset. However, I am finding some posts on the forum a bit too harsh in tone which may hurt deeply as well. I find Iain's post somewhat harsh in tone and i'm sure they was trying to help and hopefully they have. We shouldn't post ourselves if we are upset. We all have enough on our own plates as well. I am also not sure if this is an Autistic issue as such, it seems more impulsive. But, I hope you grow from this Rach91 and things work out for you in the long run. I think you may need to possibly walk away from these friends though.

  • I find Iain's post somewhat harsh in tone

    There is a history behind this post and a number made by Rach91 before all on the same subject where a distinct pattern of behaviour and lack of willing to accept responsibility has emerged.

    Many others have offered more "friendly" advice but it is ignored repeatedly which is why I had been sterner than is typical here in the hope to get the message across.

    I'm not always known for my unicorns and rainbows approach to things though - I am a firm believer in telling it how it is even if it is a bit uncomfortable to hear.