What do people like doing in the sun?

As the weather getting warmer here a fun discussion for you guys. What do you like doing in the warm sunny weather? Me I love going for walks eating ice cream or sitting in a beer garden with my dog. Over to you guys now what do you like doing in the warm sunny weather?

  • I love the sun and spending time with people in the sun. I love crowded events. I was at a big festival type thing yesterday. Everyone was getting drunk and just all round enjoying themselves. I did enjoy myself too. I just kind of wanted to get a release and a bit of enjoyment from the everyday boring and mundane stuff. The weather was absolutely beautiful, the sun was beating down and there were lots of beautiful people everywhere. Can’t stress enough how worth it it is to get out there and socialise. People are not as bad as us autistic people sometimes think. I really saw the good side in people yesterday. 

  • I love the sun and spending time with people in the sun. I love crowded events. I was at a big festival type thing yesterday. Everyone was getting drunk and just all round enjoying themselves. I did enjoy myself too. I just kind of wanted to get a release and a bit of enjoyment from the everyday boring and mundane stuff. The weather was absolutely beautiful, the sun was beating down and there were lots of beautiful people everywhere. Can’t stress enough how worth it it is to get out there and socialise. People are not as bad as us autistic people sometimes think. I really saw the good side in people yesterday. 

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