What do people like doing in the sun?

As the weather getting warmer here a fun discussion for you guys. What do you like doing in the warm sunny weather? Me I love going for walks eating ice cream or sitting in a beer garden with my dog. Over to you guys now what do you like doing in the warm sunny weather?

  • In the sun, nothing. I have solar urticaria, so if I'm in strong sunlight for any length of time I come out in unbearable nettlerash. Lurking in the shade in hot weather, I like drinking beer or cider and barbequing squid or fish (fresh sardines are great) - anything but dreary burgers or sausages.

  • In the sun, nothing. I have solar urticaria, so if I'm in strong sunlight for any length of time I come out in unbearable nettlerash. Lurking in the shade in hot weather, I like drinking beer or cider and barbequing squid or fish (fresh sardines are great) - anything but dreary burgers or sausages.

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