What do people like doing in the sun?

As the weather getting warmer here a fun discussion for you guys. What do you like doing in the warm sunny weather? Me I love going for walks eating ice cream or sitting in a beer garden with my dog. Over to you guys now what do you like doing in the warm sunny weather?

  • What do you like doing in the warm sunny weather?

    Laying in the shade in a hammock with a good book, cold drink within reach (coconut water is my favourite - or a negroni for late afternoon), just savouring not having to work.

    Where I am it has been in the 30's for weeks now (Brazil) and I've been getting through loads of books (Trudi Canavan, Philip Jose Farmer and assorted books on philosophy lately).

    Unfortunately the sedentary lifestyle meand I've needed to get back to the gym in the morning to stop my weight going up which is less than ideal. It does make the hammock all the sweeter after feeling a wreck from 2 hours of workout though.

  • What do you like doing in the warm sunny weather?

    Laying in the shade in a hammock with a good book, cold drink within reach (coconut water is my favourite - or a negroni for late afternoon), just savouring not having to work.

    Where I am it has been in the 30's for weeks now (Brazil) and I've been getting through loads of books (Trudi Canavan, Philip Jose Farmer and assorted books on philosophy lately).

    Unfortunately the sedentary lifestyle meand I've needed to get back to the gym in the morning to stop my weight going up which is less than ideal. It does make the hammock all the sweeter after feeling a wreck from 2 hours of workout though.

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