Moderator can you please delete me.

Hi everyone,

Number - I really like that you like me. I respect your wonderful sentiments. 

I just dont belong with people. I have asked to be deleted from my go sober forum. I cant be part of a community when i cant stand myself. Its fairer to just disappear. 

So moderator could you please delete me. I am removing the cancer from the forums. 

  • You’re awfully hard on yourself. Is there a way you can look on the bright side and stop beating yourself up? Maybe you have a low self esteem but that can be fixed. What’s the matter? You’re not a cancer at all there’s no reason to think this way. You have been drinking and hiding it from your partner. So you obviously feel you need alcohol. Why do you feel you need this alcohol so regularly that you’re hiding it? I know that I crave alcohol because I get a euphoric buzz from it that’s why I don’t drink it. Because I fall for it too easy. But sometimes I slip up and have a drink I just try again and look at what went wrong so I can prevent it happening again. And if it does happen again all that means is that I still had something I can improve for next time. It’s not the end of the world although it may seem it. You’ve got to love yourself first which is easier said than done if you’re in a low place. There’s always a way I like to think to myself anyway. You just need to find what works for you. I’m with you though. I know what it feels like to drink and lie to people I love about it. I know the shame it carries. But I can understand that something made me want to drink and it’s my job to figure that out and make things better for myself so that I don’t feel like I need it again.

  • You’re awfully hard on yourself. Is there a way you can look on the bright side and stop beating yourself up? Maybe you have a low self esteem but that can be fixed. What’s the matter? You’re not a cancer at all there’s no reason to think this way. You have been drinking and hiding it from your partner. So you obviously feel you need alcohol. Why do you feel you need this alcohol so regularly that you’re hiding it? I know that I crave alcohol because I get a euphoric buzz from it that’s why I don’t drink it. Because I fall for it too easy. But sometimes I slip up and have a drink I just try again and look at what went wrong so I can prevent it happening again. And if it does happen again all that means is that I still had something I can improve for next time. It’s not the end of the world although it may seem it. You’ve got to love yourself first which is easier said than done if you’re in a low place. There’s always a way I like to think to myself anyway. You just need to find what works for you. I’m with you though. I know what it feels like to drink and lie to people I love about it. I know the shame it carries. But I can understand that something made me want to drink and it’s my job to figure that out and make things better for myself so that I don’t feel like I need it again.

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