Moderator can you please delete me.

Hi everyone,

Number - I really like that you like me. I respect your wonderful sentiments. 

I just dont belong with people. I have asked to be deleted from my go sober forum. I cant be part of a community when i cant stand myself. Its fairer to just disappear. 

So moderator could you please delete me. I am removing the cancer from the forums. 

  • It only works if your work it. Stay and just lurk if needs must. If you are thinking of leaving in a panic of self loathing it means you are on the edge of a breakthrough, which is scary, hence the "flight" instinct.

  • It only works if your work it. Stay and just lurk if needs must. If you are thinking of leaving in a panic of self loathing it means you are on the edge of a breakthrough, which is scary, hence the "flight" instinct.

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