Treatment for anxiety

What are the options for dealing with anxiety?  I am in my 70's and recently discovered that I 'exhibit autistic traits', which has made sense of my history and current life.  I have grappled with depression all my. life, with a whole range of interventions short of hospitalization.  I stopped taking anti-depressants two years ago because of the dulling effect they have. 

I now realize that the main cause of depression - and low-level panic attacks - has been anxiety, that constant feeling of adrenaline in my body.  I have a GP appointment in a few days because I have become so disabled, but don't know what to expect or ask for.  I have recently completed a course of CBT counselling, which was helpful (because the counsellor was autistic!).

Any suggestions would be gratefully received!

  • Be very kind to yourself and understanding of yourself. Spoil yourself. Remember, those feelings will pass. Occupy yourself with all the things that you enjoy. You deserve it x

  • Similar to you and Tigernew40 I also suffer from anxiety. Things that help me are:

    Connecting with nature, going for a walk in the park or just sitting in the garden. I want to take up gardening next year to grow my own vegetables as that would also help with spending time outside.

    Dancing around the house to my favourite songs like a crazy person when no one is watching haha. 

    Meditation and yoga

    Drinking plenty of water 

    Keeping my mind occupied by learning something new, doing puzzles or working on one of my hobbies

    Keeping a gratitude journal complete with scrap pictures of things I have found interesting. I use it to look at when I'm having a bad day.

    I hope some of these help you too Slight smile

  • Good morning

    i suffer the same and sometimes it can be horrendous!!

    the doctor will most probably prescribe you with some kind of medication as they seem to think this is an easy fix!!

    I tend to (and this works for me and maybe not others)

    I stop all alcohol intake 

    drink plenty of water 

    download headspace and meditate 

    I journal the things I’m grateful for and what I can improve 

    eat healthy 

    see people as I tend to isolate which has the opposite affect 

    im generally kind to my self

    they are there basics and always work for me